We Need:
- Skilled chain saw operators with saws.
- Home style chain saw operators who will work with the skilled operators, also with saws.
- Operators of the wood splitters. We can have two available.
- Loaders and unloaders for the splitters.
- Drivers who will haul wood chunks to the splitters.
- Drivers who will deliver split wood to the camp fire areas.
- Drivers who will snake logs out of the woods hopefully with their ATV`s.
- Stackers who will stack the Keeler wood shed until it is full.
- Stackers who will stack split wood at Janeway, Outpost, Cabin area, baseball area.
- Sandwich makers who will assemble sandwiches.
- Food servers who will make sure all are fed and can make coffee.
Please contact us to let us know if you can help fulfill any of the above positions. Currently we have four large trees on the ground to be sliced and split and will have several more felled that day.
Thanks for your help. Contact Chet Seymour at chetseymour@msn.com for more details