Said the night wind to the little lamb,Even a painter can run into the questions of this carol, as I discovered.
Do you see what I see
Way up in the sky little lamb,
Do you see what I see?
Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy,
Do you hear what I hear
Ringing through the sky shepherd boy,
Do you hear what I hear?
It was a beautiful Spring day, great for painting. I headed for Camp Duffield. When you look for a scene to paint, there has to be a spark, a reason for wanting to paint it in the first place. After looking around I saw possibilities in this location and got to work.
I particularly enjoyed designing this scene with the sum casting shadows on this road going up the hill and bending out of sight. I had to work quickly, remembering that the sun will keep moving. I was really having fun. That's a good sign. Then after about two hours I stopped. In painting you have to know when to stop.
It was time to step back and see how I was doing. Some parts you like and some could have been better. And then after you are packed up you may size up the painting again. It is then that the painting may say something to you that was far from your mind as you painted. That was the case with this water-color sketch. And that is what I want to share with you.
I saw the road curving up the hill and turning out of sight. And I heard the refrain of this carol, "Do you see what I see?" I looked again and I saw a message about my life. Your life and that of everyone is like that dirt road. No one can see what lies ahead around the bend. And the painting said, "But Jesus can. He came to guide your life now."
And then I looked again at the dirt road. I had been pleased with the effect of the shadows. But now as I took in the road, I heard the next refrain of the carol, "Do you heard what I hear?" I did more than examine how well or not I had put in the shadows. I heard Christ's irresistible invitation first heard by the brothers, Peter and Andrew. I was hearing the Great Invitation, "Come and walk with me and let me bring something new into your life."
There is of course a third refrain, "Do you know what I know?" And I was pleased to realize I have the assurance that I know the Gift of Christ! I was also thinking what a wonderful place to have such an encounter with Jesus. Many, many boys and girls who shared in our Church Camp at Duffield over the years, if asked, "Do you know what I know?" would emphatically answer, "Yes, I saw what you saw. I heard what you heard. I know what you know, and I heard it in our Church Camp at Camp Duffield."
- Dick and Anna Rettew