We are closing the camp on Saturday, October 13th. Please help us out! Here's a list of jobs that we'll be working on:
1. Tree cutting and delivery
2. Wood splitting at Keeler
3. Wood stacking and delivery
4. Removal of concrete floor in maintenance building
5. Placement of stone in maintenance building
6. Clearing waterfront area
7. Erecting signage at waterfront
8. Removal and relocation of canoes, boats, etc.
9. Cover potholes
10. Remove tetherballs, nets
11. Close Janeway for winter
12. Prepare and serve lunch
13. Waterproof decks and benches
14. Replace roof on Cabin 2
15. Remove large tree from main gate area
16. Set power pole behind Betty Brown
17. Remove large marked tree by Keeler parking lot
Please let Chet know if you're planning on attending, so that he knows how much food to make for lunch. Please e-mail Chet at Chetseymour@msn.com or call him at 716.662.5593 or try his cell at 716.863.7623.